Published on September 15, 2004 By Andrew Upton In Misc
When your 7 year old boy says to you, "Daddy you do grumble a lot!" it does rather hit home. To be fair it was in 36C heat in the middle of France as the sun was baking down . . . you see there I go again - grumbling. It amazes me that even in the most perfect of situations - a holiday in France - I can find things to grumble about. Problem is I always will. This world is marred by our rebellious relationship with God. Result is things are not what they should. So what is the answer to grumbling? Giving thanks. Deliberately and often thanking God for all that he has done for us, especially his love to us through the person of his Son, Jesus Christ.

"Praise the LORD . Give thanks to the LORD , for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 106:1

on Sep 15, 2004
Well i know i try to keep my faith when things get hard to understand.